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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Now I understand you, thanks! Ie you fully unwrap the entire tree? Of course, it's very difficult... Just look at the Palm 1 from our plants library. The leaves color of this palm changes from top to bottom. This is achieved by using the Vertex Color feature. Here you can find a discussion of this feature: http://exlevel.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=68 Try to use this feature... The gradient of the Vertex color you can specify from black to white, then use the Blend material, where on mask slot put the Vertex color texture. Cheers
  2. Please send me your model, I just don't understand what you mean... Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the full information! And thanks for the test your game Ok, we'll try to develop according to your wishes. I'll let you know the result later... Cheers
  4. Hi Pawel, At the moment, the splines are not animated, but it can be implemented. I think we can implement the conversion paths into animated bones directly. I looked at this script, and I think we may try to implement it in the plugin... Can you please describe in detail the further process of using these bones? Also by testing this script, it was difficult to attach bones to animated splines. As a result, the animation bones depends on animation splines. And if you delete spline, the bones will stop... Just let me know by email your 3ds Max version and platform (32 or 64 bit)... Cheers
  5. Hello, Yes, this feature is available for 1.9.1. This version is not yet released, but it's better than 1.8.x And I recommend you to switch to this version. Ok, let me know by email your details, and I'll send you an update. Cheers
  6. We've added this feature . Here's how it works: If someone wants to get this version, please let me know by email your 3ds Max version and platform (32 or 64 bit)... Please note this feature is not available for the demo version. Cheers
  7. Hello, If you want to convert to splines, you don't need add a spline modifier. I understand you want to convert as splines the trunk, branches and leaves separately? If yes, it is currently impossible. But we can add this feature, I think it will take a couple of days. Confirm me by email at support@exlevel.com and we'll start developing... Cheers
  8. Hi Björn, Strange... Please, let me know what links seem to be problematic. I tried a few links, and everything works fine... Thanks!
  9. Это все понятно... Просто тут такой алгоритм, что сначала для каждой ветки генерируется свое случайное значение фазы, чтобы они колыхались по разному. Затем частота, или скорость колебаний зависит от параметров Stiffness и Scale Frequency, соответственно чем меньше Stiffness и чем больше Scale Frequency, тем частота будет больше, и наоборот. Так вот, если убрать случайное значение фазы для каждой ветки, то они все будут колыхаться одинаково, что уже не хорошо. А дальше пользователь может настраивать параметры для разных путей по разному, и соответственно фазы колебаний могут не совпадать (например, у веток и ствола). Это я еще молчу про настройки вентилятора Perturb Speed и Perturb Vector . Т.е. тут придется весь алгоритм переделывать. Ну или может быть как-то к моменту завершения фазы, возвращать все ветки в их первоначальное состояние. Но и тут надо как-то возвращать их с каждой своей скоростью, т.е. время на возврат для веток будет одно (например, 20 кадров), а для ствола будет другое (например, 60 кадров, так как он колышется медленнее). В итоге общая фаза дерева может быть кратной фазе самого медленного пути, которое пользователь настроил... Думаю этот способ будет оптимальный, и его надо будет проработать.
  10. Попробуем обязательно, уже просили об этом раньше. Ну а жертвовать придется реалистичностью движения...
  11. Hi Jamie, As always, it looks very realistic! Thanks so much!
  12. Yes, you're right. And btw, the Flex modifier we've in the plans We'll try to implement it soon... I think your palm looks great! Add some modifiers giving more chaos ( with Count Rate% ), and will be very realistic. And of course it would be great if you share it here Thanks!
  13. First, the Wind modifiers is better to apply into the After Mesh Modifiers, then just add a few animation keys for the Wind Speed of the fan. Please see my example... Cheers! Palm_1_Wind.max
  14. Hi davius, Try to set the Count Rate% less than 100.0, for example, 50.0 for the some modifiers. Then 50% of the leaves (or branches) will be calculated using this modifier, the other leaves without this modifier. See my screenshot to see what I mean: Cheers!
  15. Hi, Please check the scale component of your surface distribution object. If it differs from [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], then apply the Reset XForm. If this doesn't help, please send me your scene (you can remove unnecessary objects). Cheers
  16. Eduard

    Vertical Garden

    Hi Jamie, Yes, looks very great! Thanks so much!
  17. Ok, thanks for your test! Then we'll leave the separate conversion to mesh and spline for the next versions. Cheers
  18. I can't say anything about it, because I don't know the alembic plugin... But if you want, I can send you a version with separate converting to mesh and spline. Just let me know at support@exlevel.com what is your 3dsMax version, and your operating system (x86 or x64)? I'll send you an update by email. Thanks!
  19. This problem seems to be solved, and it's not dependent on converting to Mesh and Spline. Ie if some plugin requests a mesh, the GrowFX provide a mesh, if requests a spline, then provide a spline. If this problem persists, we'll separate the conversion, it will not take much time. Cheers
  20. Да), точно, было осенью... Спасибо!
  21. Wow, it really great Thanks! Здорово!!! Это же на "Россия 1" будут показывать или уже показывают?
  22. Hi Pawel, If you're a registered user, you'll need to download the GrowFX FULL version. I sent you a link in a private message. Cheers
  23. The beta version is not available, because we've released the final 1.9.0 version. Please use the latest version... Cheers
  24. Yes, it's already in the plans. Yes, the idea of ​​using the additional option meshsmooth iterations is really cool! We'll try to implement it. Thanks!
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