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Eduard last won the day on May 18

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About Eduard

  • Birthday 11/18/1976

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  1. Hello monkriss, Please delete unused modifier PathReact_01 for Path_01, as in this screenshot before conversion: The new version doesn't use the Paths list, and apparently the connection can't be built. But I don't know why it's not ignored during conversion. We've fixed it now, and in the future version it will work without errors. Please let me know if the problem appears again, and I'll send you an update. Thanks again for your bug report!
  2. Здравствуйте, Dmitriy! Я деактивировал ваши старые активации, и теперь можете активировать снова. Деактиватор мог быть удален антивирусом по ложному срабатыванию. Раньше мы пытались бороться с этим (и кстати помогало), но в итоге все напрасно. Простенькая программа, которая что-то делает в реестре, и куда-то лезет в интернет, отправляя какие-то данные. Видимо для антивирусов приманка еще та... В общем можно скачать ее по этим ссылкам: Deactivate_v1.exe - для деактивации версий 1.x Deactivate_v2.exe - для деактивации версий 2.x На счет аккаунта форума, у Вас другой был аккаунт? Если да, то пришлите мне в личку Ваш емайл адрес, и я проверю, что там не так. Личный кабинет (или User panel) - это отдельная система (собственной разработки), и с форумом никак не связана. Спасибо! С уважением, Эдуард
  3. Hi schellicon, At the moment we haven't updated our plugin on the server yet, but once we do, you'll get a message in 3dsmax directly when you first launch GrowFX. This message will only appear once, and you won't see it on subsequent launches. Thanks!
  4. Hi Usman, Sorry again for the delay in replying! This code works for me without errors: for gfx in selection do ( if (classOf gfx) == GrowFX2 then ( gfx.CacheMode = on filename = "E:\\GfxFiles\\" + gfx.name + ".gfxcache" gfx.NewCacheFile filename gfx.RecordCurrentFrame = on gfx.RecordAnimation = off gfx.RecordCache() ) ) Are you confused by the addition of the characters "_0000" to the file name? GrowFX works with these files through the user interface without problems. But I noticed a problem if you try to open this file via MaxScript: -- // $ - a new Growfx2 object... $.CacheMode = on $.RecordCurrentFrame = on $.RecordAnimation = off $.LoadCacheFile "E:\\GfxFiles\\GrowFX001.gfxcache" In theory, it should open the file GrowFX003_0000.gfxcache, but it does not. We fixed that too, and I can send you an update if needed. Just let me know. Thanks!
  5. Hi Steve Green, Maybe you have the Selection mesh checkbox is off? Please check this, if it's off, you'll not be able to select the object. Therefore, these two options work in pairs, i.e. if the Selection mesh is off, then hiding the icon is prohibited. Thanks!
  6. Hi Steve Green, Yes of course, in the Meshes viewport mode, you can turn on the Hide Icon to hide the icon and its name. You can find this option in the Preference parameters rollout, I showed it in the screenshot: Thanks!
  7. Do you just want to rotate the leaves along their axis with a random angle? Maybe then create a dummy path that will be the start for the leaves, and the leaves will have a PathPosition distributor, and will start from this dummy path. In its settings you can add chaos for AngleAxis. Please see the attached example: Leaves_RandAngleAxis_1.gfx Thanks!
  8. Ok, I sent the updates via private message. Thanks!
  9. Hello, Yes, we can provide some discount. I replied you in a private message... Thanks!
  10. I don't think Count Rate% is a good idea. Try to create several different leaves as separate objects, you can use several GrowFX objects to create each leaf, then create one Instanced Geometry mesh, and add all these leaves to it. Thanks!
  11. Yes, you are right, it didn't work properly. I noticed some bug in file name creation via MaxScript. We've fixed it now and I can send you an update for version 2.0.1. What version of 3dsMax do you have? Thanks for your bug report!
  12. Hello Mario, I didn't understand what you want to achieve, but here is my advice: On any parameter you can create an influence from Affect from any parameter of the parent distributor. Set some value to this parameter other than zero, so that Affect can affect, since it works by multiplying this parameter by its factor. In the Affect settings you can set the Chaos% value to get some randomness. Thanks!
  13. Please send me a private message with your license serial number, because I didn't find you among our clients using your email address. Or send us an email to support@exlevel.com with your serial number. Thanks!
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