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GrowFx 2.x add wind after mesh modifier maxscript

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Hi Eduard,


I managed to create a wind and attach it to the paths. 


-- Create wind direction modifier
wind_direction = $.addNode #NDirWind "Wind" 0 0

-- Connect wind direction to path 1
$.createConnection 1 4 wind_direction 2

-- Create public node
public_node = $.addPublicNode wind_direction 3 "Wind" 100 0

-- Creating wind helper:
gfx_wind = Windhelper name:($.name + "_wind")

-- Attach the wind to the Public node:
$.attachObjectToPublicNode public_node gfx_wind


All good so far. While trying to modify the wind modifier properties values all work apart from Looping Value.


   WindDirection Values:
      [6] - Stiffness
      [7] - Flexibility
      [8] - Scale Frequency
      [9] - Amplitude Multiplier
      [11] - Use axial rotation
      [12] - Max angle
      [13] - Use Strength
      [14] - Strength factor
      [16] - Orientation for leaves
      [17] - Angle strength
      [19] - Looping Animation
      [20] - Looping period

looping_period_property_index = 20
new_looping_value = 33

$.setNodeParamValue wind_direction looping_period_property_index new_looping_value


What am I missing?



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