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3D game development


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I found this plugin very interesting to me and a price is acceptable.

I would like to ask, how suitable is your plugin for 3D games, for making low poly trees or level of detail generation ?

What about licence? Can i use generated trees without any restriction? ( use in commercial products, sell trees ... )


thank you very much for answers.


Pavel Rýdl

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Hello Pavel,


I found this plugin very interesting to me and a price is acceptable.

I would like to ask, how suitable is your plugin for 3D games, for making low poly trees or level of detail generation ?

I think if you learn how to create high poly trees, then you can also create low poly trees :)

Try using the demo version, if you have any problems, ask me or send me your example of a tree, and I'll try to create for you what you want.


What about licence? Can i use generated trees without any restriction? ( use in commercial products, sell trees ... )

Yes of course, you can use as you like with your trees. We don't have any restrictions in the license.


thank you very much for answers.


Pavel Rýdl

I'll be glad to see you among our customers!




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So, I am playing with demo, i really like lots of parameters. It's almost like SpeedTree modeller, but unfortunately, SpeedTree is just too expensive for small studios.


I would like to ask, what's your future plans of this product ? is this product targeted more on rendering or do you plan add some functions for mesh manipulation ( for example LOD as i mentioned, roots... ). This is very blank place on the market, becuase there are no vegetation generators for games or 3d applications, or i just don't know any in this price level.


My target is to generate trees, which has around 10000 polygons. I think, if i can convert tree into mesh, i am able to use ProOptimizer or some other function to reduce polygons on trunk.


Because i can't try to work with tree as mesh, is it possible to get one good looking tree as a example ? Oak or conifer would be nice.


Last thing .. leaves. I see, i can use some predefined leaves like crossed planes, perhaps, predefines leaves are enough for making trees, but is there way to use own leave mesh, which i can distribute over branches ?


Thank you for answers, you are very kind.


Pavel Rýdl

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Hi Pavel,


So, I am playing with demo, i really like lots of parameters. It's almost like SpeedTree modeller, but unfortunately, SpeedTree is just too expensive for small studios.


I would like to ask, what's your future plans of this product ? is this product targeted more on rendering or do you plan add some functions for mesh manipulation ( for example LOD as i mentioned, roots... ). This is very blank place on the market, becuase there are no vegetation generators for games or 3d applications, or i just don't know any in this price level.

At the moment we are planning to port the plugin for other applications (Maya, etc).

Nonetheless, in the future we'll try to develop some features for game developers...


My target is to generate trees, which has around 10000 polygons. I think, if i can convert tree into mesh, i am able to use ProOptimizer or some other function to reduce polygons on trunk.


Because i can't try to work with tree as mesh, is it possible to get one good looking tree as a example ? Oak or conifer would be nice.

Try to use the example of oak tree, this mesh model contains around 200000 polygons. You can try to optimize it. But I think that to creation the tree with 10000 polygons, you need to create branches as a billboards with the textures of groups branches and leaves.


Last thing .. leaves. I see, i can use some predefined leaves like crossed planes, perhaps, predefines leaves are enough for making trees, but is there way to use own leave mesh, which i can distribute over branches ?

Yes of course, you can use the "Instanced geometry" mesh builder, and there you can add any own geometry.




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Thank you for example tree. Tree looks absolutely fantastic to me :) I have to use branches to leaves billboards as you mentioned and i hope, it will looks almoast same.

Ok, i will play with demo version :) and learn it a little and then, i will decide. I am very positive about this plugin.


Thank you Eduard.

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