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Rendernode limitation ?

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Hi everyone, I'm from an archviz studio in France and we are considering to buy growfx to improve the quality of our films.


I just have a few questions about the rendernode before buying a licence.


What can I do with the rendernode only? can I import and move a growfx object ? can I put it in a forest pack ? Or nothing can be changed and it's just for rendering a scene made with a licence ?


Just one person will have a licence to create plants but I wonder if the other ones who just need to place them in their scenes will be able to do so in the growfx format.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Julian,

Yes, GrowFX Rendermode version is developed for rendering only. Of course, this version will allow you to move and import GrowFX objects, but you can't save a max-file. This is a basic limitation of the Rendernode version.


For your purpose, we can offer you another version: GrowFX Studio Edition. This version looks like the Rendernode, but requires activation and allows you to save the scenes. Number of activations is unlimited. The installation package includes the program for the activation in Silent mode. At the moment, this version we offer for free.

Please let me know if you need this version.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Eduard,


I'm just wondering if you still offer the studio edition of growfx? I have a similar issue to above - there's only two of us, I build in growfx and other user tweaks parameters in scene once I'm done, but we have a third stand alone machine which would be better to have scene on rather than using rendernode to allow for minor tweaks, region renders etc.


Please let me know.



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