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growing bamboo

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Hello forum community,


my name is Peter and I’m a beginner with GrowFX.
I want to animate with 3ds Max 2012 and GrowFX (Demo for the moment) a growth bamboo, giant bamboo.
I try to make growth animation with GrowFX for normal trees, this is ok and it works.
For bamboo I need a special solution coz the growth is different from normal trees!
Normal trees grow completely in the diameter and high, bamboo grow step by step, like a telescope.
Has a stem element the finished length, the next stem element of this grows out .
The branches and leaves come always exactly out between the bamboo stem elements.
So my request is, can everybody from this forum give me a “simple” workaround, how I can do this with GrowFX?
I just look for the correct procedure in the correct order.

I thank you in advance for any assistance or advice !

Best regards from Germany,

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In order for the central trunk of the bamboo to grow at a nonlinear rate (start and stop) you would need to link its length to another invisible path. 


so step 1


make a distributor path. This one will not have a mesh and will only be used affect the length of the bamboo stalk ( make this one short, because your plant is growing right on top of it. you should probably place this below your ground level.


2. make another path and give it a path position distributor. Place it at the very top of the previous path sticking straight up.Give it a length of whatever the final height of your bamboo will be.


3. make the 1st path's length affect the second paths length. The affect will look sort of like a stair step if you want to make your bamboo stem grow and pause, then grow some more.


4. once your stalks growth looks correct you can add another path for secondary twigs of leaves. This path should be a path position distributor. Make sure you use absolute position as opposed to a percent position so that your limbs stay in one place as the stalk grows.


5. Use the path position of your third path to affect its length. 


6. when you apply textures to your main stalk make sure you use an absolute width and length


that should do it.  I will post an example file for you this afternoon when I get off work.


Hope it helps :)

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actually, I think it is a little simpler than what I described above. I think you can have the main trunk grow uniformly, so you can just use a distibutor path for this.


The important thing will be to add the secondary path as a path position distributor with absolute dimensions as positions. 


This will make the plant apear to grow a certain length then sprout leaves, then grow a length, then sprout leaves, and so on as you described above.




1. Make a new path and assign a distributor distribution, make its height the length of your full grown bamboo.


2. Make another path, assign a path position distributor and up the count to get several stems. Make the positions of this path absolute positions (1', 2', 3', etc.)


3. make the path position of path 2 affect its own length


4. when you assign a UV map to your path 1 bamboo stalk make sure the size is an abolute dimension, probably the total height of the full grown bamboo. You might want to creat your main stalk and give it a mesh first. Then you could apply your bitmap and use the segment placements on your bitmap to show you where to put your path 2 stems.


I will make a test model later for you, but I am pretty sure this will work.

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This is what I came up with. It is pretty much what I described above, I just added another level for leaves.


I also added vector orientation and vector directions. 


the max this bamboo can grow without growth errors is 12' because branch placement and texture were given as absolutes.


please reply with any questions you might have, I am usually on a few time per day


Hope it helps :)


Also, check out my youtube video on animating plant growth




It goes into pretty good detail on animating growth.


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Many thanks "ptrain03" for very fast answer! :rolleyes:


I try your steps from the first post and the stairs effect for the whole "Total Trunk" works but without grow for the "Sub Trunks".

I think the "path position affect" is not right configured ...

See attached pictures and max file.


I will try more the next day ...
I don't need for the moment any mapping coz I need this animation in lowpoly for rendering with a special 3ds max plugin

for a 3d laser animation. Laser needs only line drawing, outlines and no surfaces. :rolleyes:


Best regards from Germany.




Bamboo Forum.max

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I had a look at your model.


The problem is that there is no way to make each sub trunk grow separately, they are all on the same path.


I have attached a file that shows the main trunk growing, pausing then growing again ( Path 2 is the trunk, path one is invisible, path one length affects path 2 length with a stair stepped graph). 


The problem with this approach is that the leaves attatched to path 2 (the trunk) won't grow smoothly, 


the leaves (path 3) length is affected by its path position


Since path 2 grows, then stops, then grows. The path positions of the leaves will also change, then pause, then change.


I looked at a few examples of bamboo growth on youtube and it seems like the stalk grows at a smooth rate but the leaves only come out of the joints which grow in a sequence. 


I think you can have a smooth growing trunk as long as the leaf paths positions are absolute and do not change as the bamboo grows (similar to the example I provided in my previous post "bamboo 2012")


Good luck ! fun problem :)


let me know if any of this is helpful, If not I will give it some more thought and hopefully we can come up with a decent solution.



bamboo test2.max

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I have now achieved a first result with the laser plugin, thanks to your well support for the issue.

It's not perfect but it was enough to make me decide to buy the full version today. :)

Now I can also use modifier before GrowFX !

Now I can get to know the extensive program better and improve my model for better rendering results.

I will then post the finished animation here again.

I can not upload the video preview from the laser plugin rendering ?

MP4 video file 4 MB in size ...
No Video Upload at the forum possible ?


Best regards from Germany


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I have now achieved a first result with the laser plugin, thanks to your well support for the issue.

It's not perfect but it was enough to make me decide to buy the full version today. :)

Now I can also use modifier before GrowFX !

Now I can get to know the extensive program better and improve my model for better rendering results.

I will then post the finished animation here again.

I can not upload the video preview from the laser plugin rendering ?

MP4 video file 4 MB in size ...

No Video Upload at the forum possible ?


Best regards from Germany



Hi Peter!


Thanks for your order!


We usually added a links to Youtube videos, you can also add links to Vimeo video. As a result, the video will be embedded in your post.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Eduard,
I am now after 1 week experiment close to despair!  :wub: 
The plugin is really very powerful and I can do all kinds of trees but just in a different and more complicated bamboo is everything!
I have found beautiful growth animation in your Forum.  :rolleyes: 
This is super soft and a dream (leftmost plant in green)!
However, I need for my laser animation a plant like in the middle (red).
I have to start with very simple growth and it works.
But I need the typical bamboo stem of plant left!
The stem I get (learning from DenseBambbo) but at the branches is not then everything else and not get ahead!
“Turn Axis” no longer works good, the branches must exactly come out emerge at the intersection of nesting and I can´t create any curve where the branches are smaller at the end of the stem as below.
I cannot accurately determine that the branches starting out at a certain height of the trunk as well, maybe start with braches from 30%.
In short, I would need professional assistance to reach their destination.
Plant in the middle, with stem of plant left and supple growth of plant right.
Unfortunately it is not possible to make the bamboo structure with surfaces, because the laser does not exhibit rendering surfaces.

(see attached picture)
So I need at least one line between the individual bamboo trees around the bamboo effect to make it visible.

For the future, please we need a making of for a growing bamboo …  :D


I am grateful for any quick help!


Best regards from Germany



growth bamboo for laser.max

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Hi Eduard,


INCREDIBLE, wow and thank you for the quick help!  :) 
You're probably a mathematician?!  ;) 
I'll still take a while before I know exactly how the Affects related.
One problem I have but still:
How can I, without jeopardizing the nice growth, the branches and leaves at the bottom of the plant eliminate, 20% like "start" and "end", as well as the branches and leafes at the top?
If I try this with a curve at "Tubes->PathPosition" and Affect "Tube-> Length" works though but growth then no longer correct at the bottom of the plant.  :wacko:

If I use the "Eraser" tool for this, it works wonderfully but 3ds Max crashes repeatedly after short time. :wub:


Best regards from Germany.

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Hi Eduard,


why I can`t use just at this plant the modifiers Eraser & Trim, to remove branches and leaves?
Whenever I activate one of the two functions and will encourage the growth over the timeline, I fly out of max!

I use the modifiers Erase & Trim in the direction->modifiers from the branches.

Is this a bug?


Best regards from Germany


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Hi Eduard, 


sorry but I have again a "little" problem with my bamboo animation.
The growth at the beginning of the stem is not very fluid, "jump" the straw downright forth.
Where, I ask, this can still affect so that goes a little softer and more evenly?
Since I am at the beginning with the camera very close to the object, you see the course!
I have a Affect found which is responsible, which is why the area is only 90-100%?
The first tube grows very evenly but all others will eventually come popped ...

Here is a little preview of the final laser rendering animation (slow quality):


Here a screen record of the 3ds Max project:



Thank you for any help again!

Best regards from Germany



Bamboo 3d Model (booth) .max

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Hi Eduard,


here again in detail what I mean:
The first tube grows very uniformly, the 2nd tube pops out, the 3rd tube well and then it will slowly get better.
If I then change the "Path_Position -> Tube->Length" affect parameter, then grow all tubes nice and slow but the tubes yourself no longer agree.
Is it not possible in this variant, from tribe to achieve a well balanced growth as in a normal stem of a path element?
The course looks at a close up with the camera not professional ...
Also I get the tubes not slightly conical, during growth ... which would indeed look more realistic and not so static.

You might have, please take a little time to help me again there.
I want it but also like to understand, so a howto would also be very nice.

Tube->Length: 93 - 100%


Tube->Length: 0 - 100%



Best regards from Germany


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Oh Eduard, thanks to you!

veeeeeeeery beautiful and so smooth and without tubes?  :rolleyes: 
GrowFX seems to be a powerful plugin when there are so many ways to implement a real plant!
I will then post the finished animation here again.
Now I have to investigate me, how did you do that because I want it sometimes understand!


Many thanks and keep it up!

Best regards from Germany.


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