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Tree grow animation


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I am trying to make my tree (actually a branch) to grow.

But mostly I am facing crashes.


I was following the tutorial animation you have.


Anyway after a few tries, at the Creating Growth Animation Leaves part at 2:46 you go to the Parameter Length of the Leaves and you add an Affect parameter Length.

My problem is that there is no such parameter in my GrowFx at that particular place.

Did you change that in a patch?

What I should instead of that?

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is it the "width" of the leaf you are trying to affect using it's length? the length of a path couldn't affect its own length I don't think. That may be why the option doesn't show up for you.


The length of the parent path of the leaves could affect the length of the leaves. is this what you are trying to do ?

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is it the "width" of the leaf you are trying to affect using it's length? the length of a path couldn't affect its own length I don't think. That may be why the option doesn't show up for you.


The length of the parent path of the leaves could affect the length of the leaves. is this what you are trying to do ?


Not the width but the Length.

In the tutorial it shows that to control the length of the Leaves Growth accordingly with the Trunk Growth, it uses the Parameter Length of the Leaves and added a Affect Parameter Length.

This parameter does not exist to my version (the latest)

Where is this parameter?





I made a youtube tutorial for animation a while back that you might also find helpful. It is very boring but it covers a lot of ground. 




Thank you I will definitely watch it.

Nothing is boring when you want to learn :)

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