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GrowFX 1.9.9 Beta version is now available


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Hi Everyone,

We have prepared a new beta version, it's available for customers only.
What's New in GrowFX 1.9.9 Beta:
+ Added the Cache mode. Now you can bake the growth or wind animation of your plant model, and then use the cache files in other projects. The recording process is multithreaded, so it works more faster;
+ Added the Bake Direction feature for the Object Reaction modifier. This allows you to bind the vines (for example) to the animated reaction object;
+ Added a new parameter Chaos pos % for the Path Position Distributor;
+ Added the ability to convert the Path Distributor into the Path Position Distributor;
+ Added a new option Shift Start Point for the Noise direction modifier;
+ Added a new option Scale proportionally for the Leaves mesh;
+ Improved the Stop stitching feature for the Meta mesh, also added a new option Stop stitching for children;
+ Some minor bugs are fixed.


The Cache rollout:



How to cache a static tree:


How to cache an animated tree:



The Bake Direction feature in the Object Reaction modifier:




How to bake directions in the Object Reaction modifier:



The Chaos pos % in the Path Position Distributor:



Converting the Path Distributor into the Path Position Distributor:






The new option Shift Start Point in the Noise direction modifier:






The new option Scale proportionally in the Leaves mesh:






The new option Stop stitching for children in the Meta mesh:





Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
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I didn't even think about the convert path distributor to path position distributor. Great addition !:) This could be really useful. Also the scale proportionately checkbox is a great new feature ! 


If I have a path position distributor with a count of 3 for example, does the chaos position allow the positions to vary slightly as opposed to only coming from a single point? 


Great work! , cant wait to try this out.



Thanks Eduard :)

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Hi Paul,


If I have a path position distributor with a count of 3 for example, does the chaos position allow the positions to vary slightly as opposed to only coming from a single point? 

Before converting, the chaos is better to remove. Because during the conversion the chaos calculated in another way, and it can't get the same seed value as for usual tree calculation. Otherwise you'll get a slightly different result.
After conversion, you can add chaos for each branch if you want.


Thanks  :)

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Hi Eduard,

Thank you for such a great release. Could you please upload an example file for "Scale Proportionally". I can't get it to work (don't know how it works!).

Also I realized that, in the "instanced geometry mesh" , "count rate" does not work as expected. The first item in the list, gets picked far less than the others. In other words, it does not work the same for all the items in the list, even if the same value is assigned to count rate for each item.

(Here is an example : http://we.tl/wWyyc7tJ8Y).

Thank you,


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Hi Ashkan,


The workaround is to add the first item twice, first of the list and last, and it'll work fine, But it'd be nice if that can be fixed, anytime; no rush here.

Ok, it will be in the release. Keep in mind, randomness of the objects in the list is highly dependent on the Seed value on the main panel...


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Thanks so much for another AWESOME update Eduard!
I can't keep up with all the new tools you are implementing :)
....and how many updates can we get for free!!! [you can stop now] I think GrowFX is the best value software I have EVER purchased.without doubt

Can't wait to finish my Archviz work & have a play with these cool new features.

on Behalf of ALL users...thanks again



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  • 1 month later...

Now you can just install GrowFX for Max2015 onto your 3dsMax 2016, because recompilation is not required.

Later, we'll add support for 3dsMax 2016, of course.



Hi Eduard.


I Have a issue with DR and grow...


The nodes cant restart. It happens only when there growfx objects.



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  • 3 months later...

I've seen a lot of new cross-platform plug for the creation of vegetation.

On the other side is very advanced SpeedTree.

You have plans for a new vercion?



Hi Andres,


Soon we plan to release version 1.9.9. Nevertheless, we continue to develop version 2.0 with node based UI, and after the release of this version, we'll try to port the plugin into other applications.



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