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Mesh Builder Creates Corrupt Meshes


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I've recently adjusted a tree I've been working on, the tree looks fine in the spline view, but when I switch to mesh view, the meshes are all corrupt. 


I'm using simple cylinders rather than meta mesh, but instead of cylinders, the mesh builders produce infinite planes.


I've had this problem a few times, and sometimes its solved by a restart, but the current file stays corrupt even after a restart.  I can possibly remove the corrupt meshes buy deleting the mesh builders and starting again, but my worry is that when rendering this on the farm if nodes are rebuilding the growfx meshes on the farm, some of the nodes will produce corrupt meshes?


I've attached a screenshot to show the problem.







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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Eduard,


Sorry for the late reply on this.  I've actually been working on something else, but I've encountered a similar problem.


This time the corrupt mesh has come from adding an After Mesh Mod.  In this case I've added a wind to create a timelapse motion on a growing plant.  This mostly works but on some of the meshes this results in intermittent corrupt meshes being generated.


This is now something I can't work around as I need to have this wind drive the timelapse random motion require to get the right look.  


Any thoughts on how to get round this? Or is this something that can be fixed?


I've attached a screenshot of the effect, and a Max file with the effected plant.













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Hi Hugh,

We'll get that downloaded and installed.

But we've not yet updated on the server. Please contact us by email, and I'll send you an upgrade...


I take it we need to update the render nodes as well?

If you're using a render farm, then yes, you should also update the render nodes.


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  • 5 months later...

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