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GrowFX 1.9.8 Released


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Hi Everyone,

GrowFX 1.9.8 has been released.

What's new:

+ Added a new Trim modifier that allows the user to trim lines (stems, branches, leaves etc.) directly in the viewport;
+ Added the Revert erased lines button in the Eraser modifier;
+ Copy/Paste now works between all the Graph Controllers;
+ Added the visibility toggle for the paths list;
+ Added some new MaxScript functions;
+ Removed parameter SubDivs from the Preference parameters, accordingly improved algorithm for the Path distributor;
+ Improved algorithm for the Zigzag direction modifier;
+ Some minor bugs are fixed.

How to use the Trim modifier:

Copying and pasting between all the Graph Controllers. When you right-click a graph button of any parameters, this menu appears:


Where you can copy and then paste the graph to another parameter.

Added the "Revert erased lines" button in the Eraser modifier:


Visibility toggle for the paths list:

New MaxScript functions:

Returns the number of paths.

getNumDistributors <path_index_integer>
Returns the number of distributors for the specified path, index are 1-based.

getNumModifiers <path_index_integer>
Returns the number of modifiers for the specified path, index are 1-based.

getNumMeshBuilders <path_index_integer>
Returns the number of mesh builders for the specified path, index are 1-based.

getNumAfterMeshModifiers <path_index_integer>
Returns the number of after mesh modifiers for the specified path, index are 1-based.

getPath <path_index_integer>
Returns the indexed path, index are 1-based.

getDistributor <path_index_integer> <distributor_index_integer>
Returns the indexed distributor for the specified path, indexes are 1-based.

getModifier <path_index_integer> <modifier_index_integer>
Returns the indexed modifier for the specified path, indexes are 1-based.

getMeshBuilder <path_index_integer> <mesh_index_integer>
Returns the indexed mesh builder for the specified path, indexes are 1-based.

getAfterMeshModifier <path_index_integer> <aftermeshmodifier_index_integer>
Returns the indexed after mesh modifier for the specified path, indexes are 1-based.

Returns the number of sequences. It equals the number of objects that are used in the distributors (the GrowFX icon, points, surfaces, etc.).

getNumLines <sequence_index_integer>
Returns the number of lines for the specified sequence, index are 1-based.

GenerateOneMesh <sequence_index_integer> <line_index_integer>
After calling this function, GrowFX generates a mesh for only the specified line, indexes are 1-based.

Resets the state of the previous function.



Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.

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Thanks again for another Great Update Eduard!!!


The new Trim tool is absolutely awesome...well done.


Also Copy & Paste of graphs saves a huge amount of time & helps get things perfect such as offsets.


As usual.....the best software with the best support....keep up the great work



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