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scipting Path distributer


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Hi schellicon,


Ok, we've added the following functions for Path and PathPosition distributors:


<growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.AddParentPath <path_index_integer> - this is the same as AddStartPath;

<growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetNumParentPaths()  - returns the number of parent paths;

<growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetParentPath <parentpath_index_integer>  - returns the path object as a ReferenceTarget;

<growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetParentPathIndex <parentpath_index_integer>  - returns the index of path;


Will this be OK for you?

I can quickly send you an update, please let me know your version of 3dsMax.






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everything is working, exept <growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetParentPath 


it throws an error :


-- Known system exception
-- ########################################################################
-- Address: 0xcdce2de8; nCode: 0x00000000C0000005
-- Desc: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
--       Read of Address: 0x0000000000000018
-- ########################################################################
-- MAXScript callstack:
--    thread data: threadID:35040
--    ------------------------------------------------------
--    [stack level: 0]
--    In top-level
-- ########################################################################
-- C++ callstack:
-- (GrowFX_old): (filename not available): LibVersion
-- (GrowFX_old): (filename not available): LibVersion
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourceFileWrapper::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): IsMAXScriptListenerInViewport
-- (USER32): (filename not available): ScreenToClient
-- (USER32): (filename not available): ScreenToClient
-- (USER32): (filename not available): ScreenToClient
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): DispatchMessageW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): XMLAnimTreeEntry::GetUnique
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): Frustum::operator=
-- (Qt5Core): (filename not available): QObject::qt_static_metacall
-- (Qt5Core): (filename not available): QEventDispatcherWin32::preProcessNativeEvent
-- (Qt5Core): (filename not available): QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents
-- (qwindows): (filename not available): qt_plugin_query_metadata
-- (Qt5Core): (filename not available): QEventLoop::exec
-- (Qt5Core): (filename not available): QCoreApplication::exec
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): Frustum::operator=
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): NodeAndAnims::SetNode
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): UtilGfx::InitRectIPoint3
-- ########################################################################



however...but i don`t know , i think we don`t need it,


<growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetParentPathIndex index

gets the path index.. so :<growfx>.getpath index gets the reference

so i think you can remove <growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.GetParentPath  :)


Thank you for your fast help!!!




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Hi Eduard,

i attached a simple growfx example and the script to test

My Test Scene is nothing special , it`s just to see something.

Max file is a 2022 Version and growfx is a version 2 install.


i also tested everything with some libary plants , but got the same result








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Ok, I fixed this bug.


But I also saw an error in your code:

distnum=gfx.getNumDistributors i
for j=1 to distnum do (
	-- ...
	dist.GetParentPath j	-- Here "j" must be in the range from 1 to dist.GetNumParentPaths(), and not to getNumDistributors


If you want I can send the update again.

Thanks for your bug report!

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