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Converting to v2


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/18/2020 at 10:55 PM, schellicon said:

i downloaded v2beta today again and tested some things,... every tree i converted crashed max

missing distorded lines (line mode) with after mesh direction modifiers ( comparing to v1.9.9)  are you adding these in the final build?

would be not so great to toss them :/

Hi schellicon,


Can you send your file in v1.9.9, which you can't convert to v2.0?
I just tested the conversion and everything works fine.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

took some time to be able to test (running Projects), but today i had some time:


Most of the trees are loading and converting, but are still a bit different after convertion

others crash max while loading the max file...

just realized : those plants crash also in the (non beta), don`t know in which version & max version they are created ... but they loaded in these days without error!

Merging them fixed the crash.... resave the max file after merging also fixed the loading crash.. (also tested in beta)


also realized connecting those direction modifiers to the left side of a path(non after mesh modifier) , gives me the old line visualisation back, which is great.

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52 minutes ago, schellicon said:

since the rendernode installation is not fixxed , and some bugfixxes are done at  how to install best?

copy growfx_old.dlo from main workstation to the rendernode? or do i have license problems then , because it`s not the rendernode version?


If you want both versions of GrowFX to work on your rendernode, then you need to copy GrowFX.dlo from any render node (where GrowFX rendernode 1.9.9 is installed) and rename it to GrowFX_old.dlo.

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13 minutes ago, schellicon said:

... would be cool if both will be installed.....

hope that fixes are not important for the rendernode ? 


Ok, we'll include the previous version (1.9.9) in the rendernode installer of 2.0.

Yes, this fix was only for converting, and it doesn't matter in rendernode version.


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