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Making blood vessels

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Hi Eduard!


I was testing the demo-version of GrowFX a while ago and was wondering, if it is possible to create a GrowFX-System completely controllable by splines. The spline direction modifier didn't work for me, because I had to align the GrowFX-emitter exactly to the start vector of my spline, which isn't easy to control, especially the 1st-level-branches and deeper branches are not really controllable (the branches point in wrong directions, I just could try to align the branches to the spline with turn axis an bend angle).


I'd just like to pick some splines and want GrowFX to make a tree and the branches exactly where I've painted my splines with one click. I'm thinking about making a very fine animal blood vessel-network out of some splines (attached picture). The easiest way would be to freehand-draw splines onto the surface of the animal and let GrowFX do the rest (with some modifications, but just picking "main" splines and some secondary splines for the secondary branches). The other question is how to align the GrowFX-branches on top of a surface (for the smaller blood vessels). I've tried the object reaction modifier, but it seems that this modifier doesn't put the branches exactly onto the surface, even if I turn up the magnetic- and reflection parameters.






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Hi Tobi,


Yes, at this point is difficult to make it (see my example blood_vessels_2.max). There you need to create an independent splines, and for each spline copy and configure a specific path. To start the path correctly, for each spline need to reorient pivot.


But we have plans to develop a Spline distributor, which would allow to start the path directly from the starting point of the splines. This will allow to solve your task much easier.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Tobi,


Yes, at this point is difficult to make it (see my example attachicon.gifblood_vessels_2.max). There you need to create an independent splines, and for each spline copy and configure a specific path. To start the path correctly, for each spline need to reorient pivot.


But we have plans to develop a Spline distributor, which would allow to start the path directly from the starting point of the splines. This will allow to solve your task much easier.




Hi Eduard,


do you still have plans to develop a Spline Distributor?





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