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  1. I have make a some grass animation using GrowFX. Now I am trying to animate ForestPack grass with this GrowFX wind grass animation but I can't do this. I was following this tutorial below. I have done all things shown in this tutorial video. https://vimeo.com/60241621 After doing this I think tutorial is not complete tutorial. I enabled follow geometry option as show in this tutorial but nothing happend. I want to do like this which is showing in the tutorial. Please help me to animate ForestPack grass with GrowFX. I am using these versions of softwares: 3ds Max 2013 Forest Pack 1.6 GrowFX 1.9.8 SP3(DEMO) I am waiting for your answer. Please help............... Image for more information is here on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ZLFpp52Io_ejAwM1MySGtsR2s/view?usp=sharing
  2. Hi Everyone, GrowFX 1.9.8 (Service Pack 3) is now available. What's new: + Added new option Erase the affected lines for the Object slice modifier; + Added the Generate Instances button for the Instanced Geometry; + Added new option Flip normals for the Standard leaves mesh; + Added new option 2-Sided leaves for the Standard leaves mesh; + Added new option 2-Sided leaves for the Leaves mesh; + Many bugs are fixed. Object slice modifier: An example of use: Generate Instances button in the Instanced Geometry: Note: To unlock this button, turn off the Combine meshes! New options in the Standard leaves mesh: New option in the Leaves mesh: Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thanks!
  3. Hi Everyone, GrowFX 1.9.8 (Service Pack 2) is now available. What's new: + Added the ability to use the old algorithm to calculate the Graph of the Density in the Path distributor. + Some minor bugs are fixed. We found that the plants created in version 1.9.7 and earlier, look different than in version 1.9.8. This is due to the fact that GrowFX 1.9.8 has an improved algorithm for calculating the Graph of the Density in the Path distributor. To solve this problem, we have added the Use old algorithm checkbox in the Preference parameters. When on, GrowFX uses the old algorithm. When off, used a new improved algorithm. So, if you open a file saved in the old version, this checkbox will be enabled automatically. When you create a new models, it will be switched off. Note: To create a smooth animation of growth with the Density Graph, we recommend to use the new algorithm. Also, we have updated all models in our Plants Library. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thanks!
  4. Hello everyone, i'm a 3d worker form China, i'm making and selling some wind animation plants model with GrowFX, We will offer GrowFX source files. This is my website www.maxtree.org website has Chinese and English version. A short demo: https://vimeo.com/73923783
  5. Thanks for putting the plant library on the website, it helps immensely to have proper plants to experiment with. It would be great if you could make a page on the website for all users to put on their own plant creations! It would really add value to this great software. Anyway, this is what I've done so far with the demo. cheers David 3d-dave.blogspot.com
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