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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I am using the latest version and it seems there is a bug with the cache. It saved my animation correctly (128gb for 450 frames) but it won't load correctly. if i go to frame x and load the cache from the directory, it loads the frame correctly but as soon as i move in the timeline, the mesh disappears. the only way to have the mesh appear again is to select the cache again from it's folder. Loading a single frame keeps the mesh in the scene so the problem most likely comes from the sequence loading.
  2. Hi guys, i am exporting an animated plant from max as a vray proxy and importing into modo as vray proxy. At certain frame the plant explode(scales randomly, please check below image/video, also this explode is only visible with motion blurr ON). Dont know why is this happening, when i exported the same animated plant as alembic file and imported into modo with vray proxy it all looks perfect at all frames. I would have used alembic as proxy to work around now, but problem with alembic is that, each plant generate its unique material IDs and when i have example 3 plants having same materials, each of plant after export gets unique material name leading to 3 duplicate materials in the scene.Does anyone have faced such issue?,let me know if there is any workaround.Also i have exported exported from latest max 2021 and latest vray on max Render.mp4 viewport.mp4
  3. Hi guys, i am exporting an animated plant from max as a vray proxy and importing into modo as vray proxy. At certain frame the plant explode(scales randomly, please check below image/video, also this explode is only visible with motion blurr ON). Dont know why is this happening, when i exported the same animated plant as alembic file and imported into modo with vray proxy it all looks perfect at all frames. I would have used alembic as proxy to work around now, but problem with alembic is that, each plant generate its unique material IDs and when i have example 3 plants having same materials, each of plant after export gets unique material name leading to 3 duplicate materials in the scene.Does anyone have faced such issue?,let me know if there is any workaround.Also i have exported exported from latest max 2021 and latest vray on max Render.mp4 viewport.mp4
  4. When I'm trying to Copy Graph from any type of node it crashes the Max. I noted it in last few builds. I'm using Max 2019 and latest GrowFX April 21 build and this issue still persists Here is the screenshot of the Copy Graph function which crashes the Max once I click it. Could you please look into this issue? Thanks
  5. Hi Eduard. i found some bug of Affects. there is a tree . i want let "branch2" change start position and density along trunk. i add a Affect control start position and density in branch1.but it doesn't work. i created another sample tree set the same parameter.it's worked. bug.max
  6. Hi,I created some trees in Growfx1.86 .and now i update growfx to 1.9.when i open the file that created in growfx1.86 with 3dsmax2009.i saw it not the shape that i created . but when i open it in 3dsmax2014. it's fine. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8380/8672166832_bc233f5d68_h.jpg maxtree_windtree_001.rar
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