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Found 6 results

  1. Hi all, I am struggling to visualise my tree as the branches are filling the screen and I can't quite tell what each is doing as I struggle to orientate myself. So, I was wondering. Is there a way to isolate a single branch structure to be able to make fine detail refinements, and then un-isolate to work on the tree as a whole? If not, this would be an awesome feature! We isolate things in our scenes all the time to work on them better, so why not elements on a tree/plant? Look forward to hearing from you! Andrew
  2. I would like to use age to drive length in some distributors but I can’t seem to find anything like that. Is it currently possible? If not, is it possible to do some adhoc solution for my specific problem? Regards Henrik Melsom
  3. Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to blend the UV's between a branch and it's parent? Or if there's a known method to do this as a post processing step on the mesh? I know this is possible in Speedtree but just not sure how it's done... I need to get rid of the hard edges between the two without resorting to using a meta mesh if possible. Thanks in advance, Richard
  4. i made a trunk , then some branches and then another branches that spawn from branch 1 , i noted they are not snapin right to the first branch , i tried the offset setting and nit not work ,so this is a image with no offset , but i tell you i tried offset and not working. I can tell this is not looking right.
  5. Question: I want to place the start of path 2 at the tips of path 1. This would be akin to putting a single flower at the very end of a multi-branched tree limb. However, the challenge is that path 1 has multiple levels (for example 6 levels). Then there is an affect upstream causing a random chaos number for the number of levels of path 1. As an example, out of a trunk, path 1 has four branches extend. These branches extend from tip to tip, up to six levels. However, because of the chaos affect upstream, one branch has 2 levels, one branch has 5 levels, one branch has 3 levels, and one branch has 6 levels. How do I add Path 2 to ONLY start at 100% (the very end) of the LAST level of each branch? If I use a Path Position Distributor, I can set the start position to 100%, but every level of all the branches will get a path 2. If I try to use an affect upstream to limit Path2 to a level of Path 1, then Path 2 will not show up on the shorter-level branches of Path 1 at all, when I do want it to show up on the very tip. What I am looking for is a way to tell GrowFX to treat the entire multi-leveled path 1, irrespective of however many levels each stem of it has, to act as an entire single path, and then put Path 2's starting point at the very end (100% position). Can you do this? Thank you, Matt
  6. Hello, I've recently started learning GrowFX in past week, and It's amazing plugin with so much potencial. At the moment I'm still running on a demo (since I have to save up a little more money for educational licence ). I came to the point, where I'm struggling with a difficult problem - creating uneven branches on second level. Since level feature doesn't look very user friendly to me, Im creating my branch levels with 2 paths, then generating twigs, and then scattering it with instanced geometry of needles. Problem is, that even though I'm trying to use random count, with value 2, its more likely that all my branches dissappear instead of randomisation between 2 and 1 in count. Or else - I only get 2 all the time and sometimes on, but very rare. This is an illustration of what I'm trying to get - Is there any simple way to achieve it? By the way- here is where I'm so far Thanks for any help or advice! Cheers!
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