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Posts posted by nildoe

  1. Hi Eduard..How about this solution? see max file attached...


    Im trying to simply workflow and by using points as distributors and then having splines to drive direction, even if the BRANCH is not oriented properly i can just rotate the growfx POINT to align..works perfectly, problem is that if u move the main growfx node, the points are not linked to it...BUT if i link ALL Helpers (including grow fx main node) to a POINT MAX OBJECT (MOVE ALL point object in this scene) i can have what i need...:), would this cause any issues down the line in terms of speed and crashing etc?


    I was really hoping for a different workflow, where the branches (in this scene) would be derived from a spline that has more then one spline attached and then having that drive the final result..but grow fx only recognizes splines that have ONE spline...so Im forced to created 2 independent splines if i want 2 branches, and still have the freedom to change final look by editing these splines individually...


    is there another way?


    max2017 btw.


  2. Please see attached screenshot..


    I was able to "do it" by adding one spline at a time and have them control EACH branch, i dont know if there's an easier way to do it..but even this, there are some splines that are NOT followed correctly..if you see in this example no matter what spinner I dial i cant get growfx to followthe splines that are being used to control it...All i get is an approximation of its position.


  3. Hi Eduard,


    I have a VERY SPECIFIC TREE that i have to model..and I have splines that Id like to use as modeling bases for the trunk branches etc...is there a way to make growfx follow the splines specifically? i mean not making interpolations or anything...something like an "extrude" along splines and then using meta mesh to connect all the extruded cylinders?


    please show me a tutorial on this :(...basically i wanna make the tree using splines because i feel i have better control when it comes to making the shape of the tree...

  4. Hi..


    I don't usually post very much..but here goes...we just released to the public our latest short, it 12min long and after a few runs thru various festivals, this year it was Nominated for best animation of 2014 by the Africa Movie Academy Awards, I'm posting it here because a bit of the work done was thanks to Growfx, the main tree (TreeHouse Tree) was done with Growfx along with some other Models here and there..

    I Hope you enjoy it





    Thank you for your time

    Nildo Essá




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  5. Hello Eduard,


    I have an upcoming job that we might have to do an animation growth, i kow growfx already does this, but its kinda...difficult hehehe... do u have any plans to simplify this anytime soon?


    without having to go thru all the parameters and dialog boxes etc, etc...



  6. Hi..I was using the 1.8.5 beta for some reason it was not working now with 1.8.6 is working..


    But now another thing, im trying to follow EVERY step of the tutorial "http://exlevel.com/tutorials/HowToCreateASimpleTree/" and when i get to the part where you say "As a result, you'll get a tree model as shown in the picture below:" where u see the orange branches for the 1st time, in my tree i get VERY FEW branches :(, i dunno whats happening, i went thru again and again and all values i'm using are the same as the tutorial's values for all the red frames.


  7. Hi Eduard,


    I wanted to try and recreate an Evermotion Plant i have because id like to use wind with it, and if i select subobject faces in the trunk and then apply the Exlevel on it it does not work..


    i tried making a simple test... made a plane converted to poly, selected some faces and exlevel works on it..but on a simple sphere same prrcedure, exlevel is not applied on the selected sub objects of the sphere.., what am i doing wrong?



  8. Hi Eduard...


    I got the files u sent thx...but no luck, still erroring..


    I notice that when i re-install (i had uninstalled 1.7)and open max... it works, you can play with growfx...if u save the file and then re open...it also works, but IF you close max and re open and then reload file, error show up.


    This behaviour is always the same, i tried to re install and folow this pattern i explain, and everytime error shows up.



  9. My first try to make windy palms :)





    Nice Job mentor, i have a few of your libraries, really like your trees :)...


    so i guess youre not having the same error as some us :), lucky you


    you know...now that we have the wind feature, you should make one library with animated trees, but for billboards!! would be even better if the animations were loopable, like 150 to 250 frms (6 to 10 seconds) on each tree.



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