Hi Eduard..How about this solution? see max file attached...
Im trying to simply workflow and by using points as distributors and then having splines to drive direction, even if the BRANCH is not oriented properly i can just rotate the growfx POINT to align..works perfectly, problem is that if u move the main growfx node, the points are not linked to it...BUT if i link ALL Helpers (including grow fx main node) to a POINT MAX OBJECT (MOVE ALL point object in this scene) i can have what i need..., would this cause any issues down the line in terms of speed and crashing etc?
I was really hoping for a different workflow, where the branches (in this scene) would be derived from a spline that has more then one spline attached and then having that drive the final result..but grow fx only recognizes splines that have ONE spline...so Im forced to created 2 independent splines if i want 2 branches, and still have the freedom to change final look by editing these splines individually...
is there another way?
max2017 btw.