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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Hi, The iterations value doesn't affect to time of building mesh, just if you specify a low value, then a mesh maybe is not completed. Yes, using the Stop stitching can very reduce a building time. Cheers
  2. Yes, currently it's a slow algorithm, since we couldn't make it fully multi-threaded. We have made only in a separate thread an algorithm for building a simple cylindrical sections (without neighbors). Maybe in the future we'll change this. Cheers
  3. Unfortunately no, I think soon we'll add this feature. Cheers
  4. Hi Nildo, Thanks Yes, we plan to develop a special modifier direction, called Wind direction. It will allow to easily setup the wind animation. Cheers
  5. Hello Steve, Thanks for your purchase! Yes, before it was a feature of GrowFX, to speed up the display in the viewport. But now in version 1.5.0, we added a special option in preference rollout called "Show intermediate edges", which allows you to show the missing edges. Please download the update (GrowFX 1.5.0 Beta) and try use this option. Cheers
  6. Hi Everyone, I'm pleased to announce that the GrowFX 1.5.0 Beta is now available to downloading through the MyGrowFX service (customers only). What's new: + Added a new mesh-builder "Meta mesh". + Added a new direction modifier "Optimize steps". A detailed description and user manual will be available later. Here are some example of using the Meta mesh: This model here (3dsMax 2009 + GrowFX 1.5.0 Beta): MetaMesh_Example1.zip (802 Kb) This model as an editable mesh: MetaMesh_Example1_Mesh.zip (4.25 Mb) Cheers
  7. Hi Steve, This image created by our client: Rangemotions company www.rangemotions.ru, and we don't have these textures.
  8. We'll release a new version soon, I think it will be late November or early December.
  9. Unfortunately, we don't have comprehensive plants library, we have only a few examples that delivers with the installer. Soon, I think we'll add a few basic models, and in the future will expand this library. Cheers
  10. Unfortunately, we don't much these trees. But you can look in the Examples folder, after installing the demo version. Maybe there you will find something? The UVW mapping GrowFX generates automatically, but the textures we don't have yet Cheers
  11. Just you can create animated Vray proxies from GrowFX animated objects directly. Yes, in the full version you'll have enabled the option "Convert to mesh" in the Preference parameters rollout. Just check it and then convert to a mesh in the usual way. After purchasing you'll get access to a secure area of our website, where you can download the GrowFX full (workstation) and render node versions. The GrowFX render node version you can install on your rendering PCs. Unfortunately, we don't have yet a full library of trees, we have only a few trees and other plants. How many and which trees you need? Thanks for your question! Cheers
  12. Hi Everyone, We'll soon release a new version with a new mesh builder, called "Meta mesh". This mesh builder will allows you to combine the trunks and branches into a single mesh, with smooth transitions. Here's an example: Cheers
  13. One way is to use the GrowFX for placement of trees on the surface, as instanced objects. So, you can make 3 or more different trees. Then, create GrowFX object and distribute the path from some surface (see picture below). Add the "Instanced geometry" mesh-builder, and add these 3 trees. Turn off the "Combine meshes", and turn on the "Display as bounding box", as a result - the models will be distributed as instanced objects. Download this scene: Multiple_trees_02.zip Also you can use other plugins to distribution of multiple trees on the surface: "Forest Pack Pro" from www.itoosoft.com "MultiScatter" from www.rendering.ru Good luck
  14. Всем привет! Отличная тема для знакомства всех пользователей GrowFX! Я очень рад здесь всех увидеть! Надеюсь тут вы сможете познакомиться, и пообщаться. Ну а если есть какие либо темы для обсуждения, или наболевшие вопросы, то пожалуйста, новый топик создать, думаю не проблема .
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