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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Sorry, I thought saved in version 1.7.0, but was saved in the new - 1.8.0 (beta) version I resaved in version 1.7.0: Controlling_paths_direction_2.max Cheers
  2. Hi, Please see my example: Also I attached the max file: Controlling_paths_direction_1.max Cheers
  3. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    Yes you are right We hasten to release a new version to the holidays. Cheers
  4. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    Another example: Cheers
  5. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    Finally, we completed the most difficult thing of this subsystem. Now, inheritance and color blending works amazing Here's a example: It's all settings related to Vertex Color, there is no need to use any affects... Still need to finish "Coloring by Texture map", and an algorithm for Instanced geometry. I think this week we'll upload the new beta version. Cheers
  6. I checked, it's a problem in the Point Cache... I tried the following: convert a tree into an editable mesh, then applied the Point Cache, recorded animation, then received the same cache file (about 5GB). After that, at the end of the frame range, I also got a broken tree. Accordingly, to use the Point Cache you can just split the animation into parts.
  7. Yes, you're right. Calculation of the cache file was successful, but when we moved the time slider to the end of the frame range, the tree looked like ruins )). Maybe a problem here in the Point Cache? There is another solution... What renderer are you using? If VRay or MentalRay, you can convert the tree into an animated proxy object. Many of our customers use it. Another way to try to divide the animation into 2 parts, ie create 2 cache files, one from 0 to 100-th frame, the second from 101 to 200-th frame... Cheers
  8. Yes, your workstation is cool I think there should be no problems...
  9. I don't know But I think it's limited only by your RAM. Your original tree has 5 million vertices and 7.5 million faces. I have only 4GB RAM, so I could not wait for the caching process even 1 frame animation...
  10. Ok, thanks! I not found any problems with the Point cache... I'm a bit to optimized your tree, ie no need turned off the mesh optimization. But I was not able to optimize your leaves, because your leaves objects (for Instance geometry) were converted to Editable mesh. But I reduced the number of leaves by: twigs_01 > Distributors path > PathPosDistr_02 > Levels I set equal to 1. As a result we have tree with about 2 million vertices and about 3 million faces. dense_tree_2.max The proper way of caching animation I think as follows: 1) generate a cache file (click New... and Record buttons); 2) convert the tree to Editable mesh. Prior to this, you can save a copy to avoid losing the original model; 3) apply a new Point Cache modifier and load your file cache. Cheers
  11. Please send me your scene file... I tested these actions in Max 2012 everything works fine.
  12. I cannot help you if you don't send me your model I earlier created trees with over 2 million vertices, and a caching worked fine!
  13. Hi Jamie, Yes, we also want to add a checkbox Deform along path for Standard leaves, like as in the Instanced geometry. Also plans to add a few more high-quality presets leaves, such as for some simple trees and other: oak, maple, etc. Cheers
  14. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    We have some complexity with VC, but we try to resolve it as quickly as possible...
  15. I don't know why it happens, I need to look at your model. Please send me your model...
  16. Hi Jamie, Ok, we'll try to improve the management of updating the calculation mesh builders... At this point, you can just copy your metamesh builder, then convert the new metamesh to the cylinder mesh, and the original metamesh turn off. After you finish setting all the other builders, turn off the cylinder mesh, and turn on your original metamesh Cheers
  17. Hi Paul, Yes, I got this error, but only via Internet Explorer. If using the Opera browser, it works fine. Later, we'll update the forum engine, maybe it fixes the problem. Cheers
  18. Хорошо, спасибо! Вообще, тут нет бага! Вот гляньте мой пример, там простой конус, и на него наложен такой же материал. Stvol_cone.max Т.е. тут сыграла роль специфика наложения текстуры на конические поверхности... В Вашем случае, модификатор Optimize "выпрямил" ствол, и в результате получился простой конус. В этом же примере, для Optimize я изменил Angle tolerance с 2.0 на 0.02, это добавило дополнительные сегменты, и в результате этот эффект уже не проявляет себя так сильно. Только на макушке немного видно искажение текстуры.
  19. Да, спасибо за замечание! Но, пожалуйста, пришлите Вашу модель... А то я попробовал, и не получилось воспроизвести эту проблему
  20. Ну скоро уже будет такая возможность , используя Vertex Color, можно будет модифицировать текстуру по цвету, или делать смешивания разных текстур.
  21. Классный пейзаж! Но вот с макушками сосен что-то непонятное (наверное, по-срезали на новый год ) Да и ветки в самом верху толстоватые. Вот, для примера фотография: А так, в целом, картинка хорошая, только макушки доработать и все .
  22. I tried to create a maple tree, please look how you like it... Cheers Maple_01.max
  23. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    Hi Jamie, I think very soon at the beginning of November 2011. But I can send you before, when will ready all algorithms related to the VC. Ie I'll upload to MyGrowFX a new beta version and tell you about it Cheers
  24. Eduard

    Vertex Colours

    Yes, it will make more realistic plants, so we decided to implement a VC in the first place. At the moment, it works as shown in my screenshot: But we'll add the inheritance of colors, at least it is necessary for MetaMesh (just an algorithm of VC for MetaMesh still not completed yet). I think it's more comfortable than the Gradient Ramp You can scale the size of this control... : We developed their own control, to be able to save data in gfx-file without creating a mat-file. (for a plants library). Yes! Yes of course, it will work for all mesh builders. Ok, thanks for your wishes! Cheers
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