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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Hi, Please send us your scene file with GrowFX model where the rendernode doesn't work... Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks, your images looks great We'll be glad to see you among our customers! BTW, now still active special offer and you can buy with good discount, it's only until January 5th, so hurry up... Cheers
  3. Ok, we'll try to create such webpage... Cheers
  4. Hi NIR, We found and fixed a bug. You need to download and reinstall again the GrowFX Rendernode. Sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers
  5. Thank you very much and Happy holidays!
  6. Hi Jamie, Thanks very much and Merry Christmas!!! Eduard
  7. Hello Dan, Yes, we have not added yet support for multi-threading because Metamesh algorithm works sequentially, ie there each new face depends on previous faces. But we have some idea, and we'll try to implement it... We'll be glad to see you among our customers! Best regards, Eduard
  8. Hi Everyone, GrowFX 1.8.0 has been released. Users now have a unique opportunity to manage the colors of branches and leaves by using the Vertex color feature. What's new: [+] Added a new feature Vertex Color for all mesh builders; [+] New parameter Random scale for Instance geometry; [+] New parameter Min size faces for Global Meta Settings. Note: The value of this parameter will affect to the minimum radius of all Meta mesh builders; [+] Open/Save presets some bug fixed; [+] Improved mesh updating; [+] Some minor bugs are fixed. Also we have updated our Plants library for correct opening in this version. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thanks, Eduard.
  9. I'm happy for you And by the way, thanks a lot for the idea!!!
  10. Hi Jamie, Maybe this bug we've fixed, but I'll check it again. Thanks! Cheers
  11. Yes, cool example! Ok, we'll add these blending modes I thought about this, but we're in a hurry to completing this version, and I was not sure of the need to add these modes. Cheers
  12. Ok, now it's clear I wish you successful learning, and if you have any questions, ask me...
  13. Hi Helenni, Yes, your images is very beautiful , it was created with GrowFX?
  14. Free plants library is now available. You can now use this collection of ready plants in your projects or customize them as necessary. Cheers
  15. Hi Jamie, I'm glad you like this feature We have already found and fixed some bugs, but the update is not yet uploaded because soon we plan to release it. Cheers
  16. Ну да, есть такое ) Тогда только остается подождать возможность наложения UVW по разным каналам...
  17. А я нашел решение проблемы уже сейчас Я так понял надо делать что-то вроде этого: Здесь сама модель: Betula_1.zip Настраиваем UVW ствола только для текстур, а вот для Gradient Ramp нужно включить Use Real-World Scale, и подогнать Size под высоту дерева, все... Но в любом случае сделаем поддержку каналов для UVW.
  18. Понял проблему... тут надо делать тогда возможность наложения UVW по разным каналам. Например, делаем UVW с абсолютными размерами для канала 1 (там будет лежать сама текстура коры), а для канала 2 делаем в %%, там уже будет градиент рамп. В общем, сделаем в ближайшее время )
  19. Hi Tobi, Yes, at this point is difficult to make it (see my example blood_vessels_2.max). There you need to create an independent splines, and for each spline copy and configure a specific path. To start the path correctly, for each spline need to reorient pivot. But we have plans to develop a Spline distributor, which would allow to start the path directly from the starting point of the splines. This will allow to solve your task much easier. Cheers
  20. А, ну понял... Просто по этой картинке http://clip2net.com/s/1mrAr я подумал другое. Тогда вот так, но выглядит не очень ) Вот max файл: MetaMeshVC_02.max Я подумаю позже, может что-то добавить в сам MetaMesh, возможно использовать при этом еще и VC, чтобы получились нормальные широкие плавные переходы с зоне сопряжения веток и ствола.
  21. Т.е. надо что-то вроде этого? : С VC думаю это не проблема, вот max файл: MetaMeshVC_01.max
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