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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Unfortunately an upgrade is not yet ready. Please send me your model (you may by email), I'll change it as you wish... Cheers
  2. Yes, it can be done by adding an extra twisted branches. Ok, we'll think how to implement your suggestion, but it's a difficult task... Cheers
  3. I think that your model can be created without such an propagate direction See my example: Max file: TwistedBranches_1.max Cheers
  4. We have found the cause of your problem There is a small bug in the transfer parameter of the affecting system. Now we have fixed it! In any case the noise map doesn't work as it should, and I don't know why... If use another map, it will work fine: Then tomorrow we'll update the plugin, and you can download it. Thanks for your example!
  5. For the Surface distributor you should create the affect from the Parameter: Surface, settings are the same... See my example: Max file: ChaosRadius_2.max Yes, we plan to add the seed parameter for some components. Cheers
  6. Yes of course, you can create an affect from any parameter of the distributor to the mesh radius, and there set the chaos value. See my example: Max file: ChaosRadius_1.max Cheers
  7. Да, Вы правы. Есть такое для последнего пути. Просто этот эффект проявляется по разному, и в разных местах. До этого смотрел на ноутбуке, там не было этих колебаний. Сейчас на рабочей станции - есть, но не там где у Вас... В общем надо будет изучить, почему это происходит, возможен баг. Спасибо за наводку!
  8. Что-то не обнаружил ничего в этом дереве. Видимо Вы уже отключили "ориентацию для листьев"?
  9. По Вашей ссылке получаю Error (403). Вы можете прямо тут прикрепить файл.
  10. Hi Morten, At the moment we know the cause of this problem, but don't yet know how to solve it. We'll try as soon as possible to find a solution. I'll let you know the results... Now you can change the parameters of your Noise direction (for B_3), or turn off this modifier. It slightly remove twitching of branches. Best regards, Eduard
  11. Hi, Ok, we'll make the conversion to the spline and to the mesh separately. Write to us at support@exlevel.com with your email address you used to purchase, and I'll prepare the update for you. Cheers
  12. Thanks for your file! You just forgot to turn on the Convert to Mesh/Spline in the Preference parameters rollout... Cheers
  13. Thanks for the info! So far nobody has complained about this, but we'll try to fix this trouble. If possible, please send me your scene, it allows us to analyze the problem more quickly... And at this time yes, you can convert your models into animated Vray proxies. Cheers
  14. Yes, you need to add a wind modifier for each path that you want to be animated. For example, for conifer needles is not necessary to add a wind modifier... Here shows in detail how to make a wind animation for a tree: http://exlevel.com/t...Wind_Animation/ If you have problems, send us your model to support@exlevel.com, and we'll help you... Cheers
  15. Ok, let us know if you have any questions. Thanks again for your order!
  16. Hi, You must download and install the full version, by the link that you received after purchase. Deinstall the demo version is not required. Thanks for your order!
  17. Hi Martin, You can download the latest version via MyGrowFX service. I sent you the link in private message... Cheers
  18. Hi Martin, Yes, it looks weird :-/ To quickly solve this problem, you can convert your model to a VRay proxies. But we need your scene or just one model for studying this problem. If possible, please send us to support@exlevel.com... Thanks!
  19. Hi Thorsten, Well, thanks for this info! Yes of course, your hedge looks very beautiful. Cheers
  20. Ok, we'll look and try to fix it... Later, I'll let you know.
  21. Hi Thorsten, We tested this tree with VRay distributed rendering, and the GrowFX rendernode works as usual. I think the problem is that the GrowFX rendernode just not enough time to calculate the mesh for this tree, and as a result a node doesn't start rendering. Seems this is a peculiarity of the VRay distributed rendering, because the Backburner works correctly, as you noticed... I can only advise to use the Backburner, or convert your models to VRay Proxies (animated if needed). Here you have a very hard models, I tried to edit but sometimes got a crashes... See how we created these hedges: Hedge_1.max Cheers
  22. Ok, tomorrow I'll too be testing this tree on 2 machines with Vray renderer...
  23. Hi Thorsten, Maybe this tree is too complex for your node? You can test this, open 3dsMax on your render node with this tree, and then try to render it... In any case, I need to know what renderer you're using, and how you start render on your render nodes? Thanks!
  24. Привет! Коллизии тут не причем, и когда мы их добавим, то в этой ситуации они не помогут... Здесь все дело в самом алгоритме MetaMesh. Смотря на этот скриншот, можно сделать "разделение метаобъектов", согласно разделению их на верхних уровнях. Но в некоторых ситуациях их объединение необходимо, иначе будут проявляться артефакты. Поэтому тут нужен некоторый адаптивный алгоритм разделения... С уважением, Эдуард
  25. We recently fixed this bug, but could not fully test. Please write to us at support@exlevel.com and I'll send you an update. Also specify your version of 3dsMax and Windows (32 or 64 bits). Cheers
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