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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Hello Usman, Yes, it seems possible to animate the Seed value, but it doesn't update during the animation, and it doesn't update the object. We'll fix this in the next upgrade. Thanks for your bug report! Now you can try using this script to create 10 models (for example): gfx = $ iseed = gfx.Seed for i = 1 to 10 do ( gfx.NewSeed() gfx.update() snapshot gfx ) gfx.Seed = iseed gfx.update() Thanks!
  2. Hello Yes, these methods don't work in version 2.0, because component indexes don't exist. Instead, we plan to add new methods that will work with nodes. Just in version 2.0 there are no components like in version 1.9.9, there is a single array of nodes. Thanks!
  3. Hi wallworm, Sorry for the delay! Oh, you need a new version, which we already have. I can send you an update. What version of 3dsMax do you have? Thanks!
  4. But the pivot seems to be created where the object has its start, just like you wanted. Have you really checked this? Ok, we'll add a MaxScript method for this feature. Thanks!
  5. Hi wallworm, Yes, you're right, there was a strange behavior of the created point when snaps are turned on. But we've fixed it and it will work fine in the next update. Thanks!
  6. Hi wallworm, Apologize for the delay in replying! There is already such a button in GrowFX 2.0: Create separate objects in the Preferences parameters rollout. It just creates separate objects as you want. Thanks!
  7. Здравствуйте! Видимо я уже поздновато пришел в эту дискуссию Но я вижу, вроде Вы уже и сами разобрались... Ну это вроде может делать PathPosition от главных веток, и там вычисления идут в %% от 0 до 100. А влиять можно уже на что угодно. Спасибо!
  8. Eduard

    2022 work

    Hi winskyserin, Amazing works! Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi Usman, Yes of course, we've uploaded this version, and you can download it from the User panel. Thanks!
  10. Hi Rubberji, Sorry for the late response. Can you send me this scene file? Thanks!
  11. Hello, Ok, I sent you an educational license offer. Thanks!
  12. Добрый день! Да, возможно не все понятно на этой картинке, хотя мы надеялись на обратное. Вот смотрите, в Input Map нужно поместить карту Vertex color, которая будет определять цвет самих вершин на объекте. И в зависимости от этого цвета, данная карта (данный плагин) будет подставлять ту или иную карту из списка заданных. Цвета выбираются из диапазона от Start color до End color, обычно можно использовать от черного до белого. В итоге, если у вас вертексы какого-то листика дерева выкрашены черным цветом, то на этот листик будет назначена первая карта (Map #1) из списка. Соответственно, если вертексы листика имеют белый цвет, то такой листик получит последнюю карту. Все остальные карты будут распределены по градиенту цвета, от черного к белому, как в данном примере. Соответственно, чтобы эта система работала, нужно должным образом раскрасить цвета всех вершин у самого объекта. Если этот объект является GrowFX-растением, то там есть возможность использовать компоненты VertexColor, которые по некоторым алгоритмам могут раскрасить вертексы дерева. Как они работают описано тут: https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/VertexColor_Overview.html На странице о GrowFXMultiMap можно скачать пример этого растения: https://exlevel.com/tutorials/HowToUseGrowFXMultiMap/ Конечно, в Input Map может быть и любая другая карта, и тогда карты будут назначаться по другому принципу, но основная идея была в том, чтобы использовать именно Vertex color. Надеюсь все понятно, если будут вопросы, пишите. Спасибо!
  13. Hi Usman, Ok, now you can download this plugin: https://exlevel.com/download/ Thanks!
  14. Hi, You need to use the NewCacheFile or LoadCacheFile methods instead of the CacheFileName property. Cache Mode methods: NewCacheFile <string_path_filename> Specifies the name of the new cache file. Returns true if the file was successfully prepared, false if it failed. LoadCacheFile <string_path_filename> Loads the specified cache file. Returns true if the cache file was found and loaded successfully. Thanks!
  15. Hi lukx, We've uploaded GrowFX for 3dsMax 2023 and you can now download it from your User panel account. Thanks!
  16. Hello, We've uploaded GrowFX for 3dsMax 2023 and you can now download it from your User panel account. Thanks!
  17. Hi AdyHun, Yes, it makes sense, we'll add this checkbox. Thanks!
  18. Hi CGMoe, This option is turned on by default in new versions. So you can convert to mesh as usual in 3dsMax. Keep in mind, a simple mesh doesn't support animation, but you can use the PointCache modifier for the wind animation. Thanks!
  19. Hi mad, We tried this before, but it didn't work. If you've an instanced object, then it's completely instanced, and you can't make different input parameters. I've an idea to implement a new modifier that will overwrite public input parameters. And then you can clone the GrowFX object as a reference object, and apply this modifier like Bend in this screenshot: Thanks!
  20. Hello Rehmatullah, Can you check if the plugin is loaded in the 3dsMax plugin manager? Thanks!
  21. Hi Rubberji, Yes, this only works in GrowFX 1.9.9. In version 2.0 there are no Path and Distributor components, instead it uses nodes. And we've not yet implemented MaxScript access to the nodes and their properties, because we don't know how much users will need it. But in any case, we're planning to add MaxScript functions for accessing nodes. Thanks!
  22. Hi Rubberji, Maybe you should try using the MaxScript command for the Point Distribution? <growfx>.<path>.<distributor>.AddPoint <point_object> With this, you can create a looping over a set of points. For example, select your GrowFX object and run this script: gfx = $ Then select all points and run the following script: for pt in selection do ( gfx.Path_01.PointDistr_01.AddPoint pt ) Don't forget to rename the "Path_01" and "PointDistr_01" components as they may have other names. Here you can see other MaxScript commands: https://exlevel.com/growfx-manual/MaxScript.html Thanks!
  23. Hi cb2000, Can you send me this scene file? Thanks!
  24. Hello Paul AKaba, Ok, I sent you an educational license offer. Thanks!
  25. Hello Rehmatullah, Yes of course, you can buy a 5-user Corporate license and use them on 5 independent PCs in different locations. But keep in mind, you'll have 1 User panel account, where you can download updates, and accordingly you'll need to share your account password to your friends. If you know your friends well then this is not a problem. We'll be glad to see you among our customers! Thanks!
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