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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. I don't know for sure, but you can try to create some kind of animation. But I think it will be difficult to set up. Maybe use another plugin for this? Thanks!
  2. Hi cb2000, Of course, anything can be done in GrowFX and you can try it. But whether your PC's power will allow it, I don't know... Thanks!
  3. Hi cb2000, If you're creating a looping wind animation of your trees, then don't use these options, otherwise you won't get looping. But if you don't use looping then it doesn't matter and you can enable these options. Thanks!
  4. Somehow I missed this post, sorry. But this option has already been added a long time ago, most likely in the release of GrowFX 2.0.0 (non-beta version). We just forgot to describe it in the help To add a new Reroute knot, you need to hold Shift and click on the connection line. To rotate the direction clockwise, you just need to double-click on this knot. To rotate the direction counterclockwise, you need to hold Alt and double-click on this knot. Thanks!
  5. Hi Timursq, I think Vector direction can do this easily. Since your leaves are objects of instanced geometry, you can direct the path lines straight up using Vector direction, and place leaves on them. Just turn the pivot of the leaves so they are oriented correctly. BTW, we found a bug with Vector direction, but we've already fixed it, and will soon update all the files on the server. The problem was that with a large Strength value, the path lines was greatly distorted. Thanks!
  6. Hello 小饰X, I tried running the Chinese version of 3dsMax and no problem, everything is displayed fine, see my screenshot below. Maybe you have some display settings or fonts? Although GrowFX evaluates both font sizes and screen settings, and adjusts the UI according to these parameters. Thanks!
  7. Hi cb2000, Of course, you can set up the tree to only animate one parameter. If you are using GrowFX 1.x, you can read this section: https://exlevel.com/growfx-manual/Affects_FAQs.html You'll also find example files there. If you are using GrowFX 2.0 then see this sections: https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/How_to_configure_dependencies.html https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/How_to_animate_parameters.html https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/How_to_use_Public_node.html https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/Examples_ParameterPathPosition.html Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
  8. Hello betwrx, Yes of course, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  9. Hello Timursq, I looked at your plant, and I think it's possible to align the leaves, but avoiding collisions is more difficult. There need to reduce the number of leaves, or make the whole plant wider. I can try to recreate your plant, but I wanted to ask, do you want to get this lily with wind animation? It's just more difficult to do with the wind without leaf collisions. Thanks!
  10. Hello everyone! We're unable to reproduce this issue. Apparently this problem occurs due to some font settings in Windows, but we're unable to reproduce this. Who else has this problem? Can we chat via email to resolve it? Thanks!
  11. Hi, Ok, I've sent you an educational license offer. Thanks!
  12. Hello, Ok, I sent you an educational license offer. Thanks!
  13. Hello 小饰X, You can use this solution for your task: I didn't use a Switch node between the 2 Distributors nodes because the Random node won't be calculated properly there. Instead, it will always return one value, since the creation of distribution sequences is performed before the generation of any pathlines, so we can't get the chaos we need. If you need to get a distribution of 20/80%, then you can create a scheme like this: (This is another example with different objects) Thanks!
  14. Hi BoscoCKG, Can you please send me this tree file? I'll see how to fix this. Thanks!
  15. Hello Timur, Ok, I just sent you the educational offer. Thanks!
  16. Hi Karen, Try to set the settings as in my screenshot: You can also merge similar nodes. See screenshot above. Thanks!
  17. Hello River, Most likely Windows Defender or your antivirus has deleted this file. Try downloading it from this link: Deactivate.exe Thanks!
  18. Hi Karen, Try changing this value from 0.0 to 1.0. Thanks!
  19. Yes, we've removed these parameters to reduce the node size, and these parameters are the same for all nodes, so they are only in the sidebar. Thanks!
  20. Hello HenrikBC, You can create 2 Wind modifiers, the first one will have a weak wind effect and the second one will have a strong. And for the second Wind set Count rate = 20%. Please see my screenshot: Thanks!
  21. I noticed that if you save the max file with Cache turned off, then the information is not saved. We'll fix this so that the information is saved anyway. Thanks!
  22. Yes, it might not be saved in the max file. Ok, we'll fix this as soon as possible. Thanks!
  23. Hi wallworm, We've already released a new version and you can download it from the User panel. Thanks!
  24. Hi Nenad, Trees from Maxtree are very complex, and when you activate leaves, data structure chains can be broken. You need to make sure that the leaves are created after these branches. This can be regarded as a bug, but we need to check your tree. Can you send it to me? Thanks!
  25. Hi wallworm, We've added the following maxscript methods: <growfx2>.CreateHierarchyMeshes <is_group_by_pathcolor> Returns an array of Editable poly nodes of the elements in the hierarchy. is_group_by_pathcolor : boolean - when true, the algorithm will group adjacent branches if they have the same path color. <growfx2>.CreateHierarchySplines <is_group_by_pathcolor> Returns an array of Editable spline nodes of the elements in the hierarchy. is_group_by_pathcolor : boolean - when true, the algorithm will group adjacent branches if they have the same path color. I'm already planning to release this update as a new version 2.0.1. Thanks!
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