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Everything posted by Eduard

  1. Please send me a private message with your license serial number, because I didn't find you among our clients using your email address. Or send us an email to support@exlevel.com with your serial number. Thanks!
  2. Sorry, I forgot to answer your question. Try to remove this line: gfx.OneFile = on The error is that GrowFX2 doesn't have the OneFile property. Thanks!
  3. Ok, as you requested, we have added the following methods to GrowFX: For version 1.x: <growfx>.<path>.GetAMDirSeedOffset <modifier_index_integer> <growfx>.<path>.SetAMDirSeedOffset <modifier_index_integer> <new_seed_value> <growfx>.<path>.GetAMDirCountRate <modifier_index_integer> <growfx>.<path>.SetAMDirCountRate <modifier_index_integer> <count_rate_value> For version 2.x: <growfx2>.getNodeSeedOffset <node_index_integer> - Returns the Seed Offset value for the specified node. <growfx2>.setNodeSeedOffset <node_index_integer> <value_integer> - Sets the Seed Offset value for the specified node. <growfx2>.getNodeCountRate <node_index_integer> - Returns the Count Rate value for the specified node. <growfx2>.setNodeCountRate <node_index_integer> <value_float> - Sets the Count Rate value for the specified node. I can compile the update for you, just tell me your 3dsMax version. Thanks!
  4. Hello Caue, Apologize for the delay in replying! To make the leaves and branches as a single mesh, you need to make the Wire color for the paths the same. Also the Group by Path Color option in the main panel should be enabled. Thanks!
  5. Hello Usman, I think you just need to change this line like this: if (classOf gfx) == GrowFX2 then ( Thanks!
  6. Hi cippall, Yes, you are right, GetDirSeedOffset and SetDirSeedOffset are only used for Direction modifiers. If you need, we can add GetAMDirSeedOffset and SetAMDirSeedOffset to access the Seed Offset for AfterMeshModifiers. Thanks!
  7. Hi cippall, Sorry for the late reply! Yes, you are right, the setNodeParamValue method didn't change the value with the Time type. But now I've fixed this bug, and I can send you an update. What version of 3dsMax are you using? Thanks!
  8. Hello mahmoudaltemmamy, Ok, I've sent you an educational license offer. Thanks!
  9. Hi You need to write a program that will add the wind nodes and connect them to path nodes. Please see the Properties and Methods for the Node editor here: https://exlevel.com/growfx2-manual/MAXScript.html Now I'm on a small business trip and can't write such a program. I'll be able to do this only after August 6. Thanks!
  10. Hello Usman, Sorry for the delay, for some reason I missed your post... You can try this code: for gfx in selection do ( if (classOf gfx) == GrowFX then ( gfx.CacheMode = on filename = "E:\\GfxFiles\\" + gfx.name + ".gfxcache" gfx.NewCacheFile filename gfx.OneFile = on gfx.RecordCurrentFrame = on gfx.RecordAnimation = off gfx.RecordCache() ) ) You need to select objects and execute this code. The folder for cache files must exist. Thanks!
  11. Hello, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  12. Hi maliya1, You need to run deactivate.exe and deactivate your license. We currently have 2 deactivation files for version 2.0 and version 1.x. And you can download these files from these links: https://exlevel.com/download/files/deactivatetool/Deactivate_v1.exe - to deactivate version 1.x https://exlevel.com/download/files/deactivatetool/Deactivate_v2.exe - to deactivate version 2.x If you've any difficulties, please let me know in private message and send me your serial number of your license. Thanks! Best regards, Eduard
  13. Hi Mohit, Yes of course, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  14. Hi, Ok, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  15. Hello, No problem, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  16. Hello, Please email me your license Serial number to support@exlevel.com Thanks!
  17. Hello ichi5b77, Yes, these parameters are not animated, so they are not available in MaxScript. But we can add them programmatically. Do you need it only for Distributors? Please email me at support@exlevel.com and I'll send you an update later. Thanks!
  18. Hi Denis_D, Yes of course, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
  19. Maybe add the Vector Direction for starting paths? Also you need to change some settings, please see my screenshot: Why do you think that affectors work only for one? Thanks!
  20. Hi Archi, Maybe still use an additional path and a distributor to set the starting vector? Here's an example of what it might look like: Result: Thanks!
  21. Hi mixocg, Yes of course, I deactivated your old activations on the server side... Thanks!
  22. Hi schellicon, What should this map look like? Can you send me an example model with this map? Thanks!
  23. Hi Archi, I installed this version of 3dsMax, but didn't notice any problems. That's why I ask users to send me models in order to somehow understand where the bug is. Thanks!
  24. Hi bas klompmaker, You can email me at support@exlevel.com, I'll only use this model to investigate the bug. Thanks!
  25. Hello Iago Fonseca, Yes of course, I just deactivated your old activations on the server side, and now you can activate again. Thanks!
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