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Nik last won the day on September 7 2022

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  1. Sorry I found it it is in the menu ..work great!
  2. Hi Eduard, "Regarding the multithreading for metamesh, yes of course we'll try to implement it. But now we're implementing a feature called "After mesh modifiers", which allows to calculate the animation (eg wind) very quickly (without mesh calculation in each frame)." Is that feature available in 1.9 or 2 version ? and how can I use so I don't have to wait to regenerate mesh for each frame so long? Thanks
  3. Hi Guys, I would like to share here a personal animation for a product design I did in the free time of 2021. For the animation of the plant I used GrowFX. Did some scanning for the ground texture and added fine detail with scatter. Video here : https://www.behance.net/gallery/140271763/NOON-Hydroponic-light-garden-design
  4. Hi what is the correct way to use cache animation with wind if I am using two or three trees in scene.I tried perecomputing both ways for each one file or in separate but I get the wrong animation after some frames objects are missing or animation not moving ( rendering with corona ) for a few frames all sorts of wierd things.Once I precompute can merge obejects in new files and link the precomputed or should I generate always all object in the same file Thanks
  5. just Send via personal message
  6. YES, shall I attach it here ?
  7. Hi, I am animating simple plant growth animation ( trunk> branch 1 > leaves coming out of it) and one couple of separate leaves coming out of the trunk directly at the bottom.As it start They are positioned at 100% and as the trunk grows move to position 5% ( path position distributer) ..that is how they stay at the bottom of the plant as the first two leaves coming out of the soil..Animation is 200 frames. at about 135th frame in the middle of key frames I have some frames (frames) that these leaves are missing ..I noticed that when animating in other scenarios...what is the reason for it and how can I sove that problem ? thanks
  8. Sorry I found it there was a minimum radius limit set by default to 0.1...
  9. Hi Eduard, Does GrowFX detect sizes les than 0,1sm radius as that is the minimum radius I can get when working with units"santimitars" in 3ds max ?Thanks
  10. Thanks Bzuco.Actually I tried fixing normals but couldn't help.It was a strange buggy vray material so with new material it was ok
  11. Hi Guys, I get some strange shadows on the branch 1 as if it is not getting enough edges or smoothing.See atttached.I have raised mesh detaild and turned it to mesh still have that sharp shadow ( trunk is ok ) can't figure what is that ?? Thanks
  12. Thanks Eduard.I played a lot with those affectors I guess I will have to remember as it is... as I can't seam to understand the logic behind.Actually if I have trunk and b1 b2 b3 branches if I want to affect b3 length correcsponnding to trunk height i go to b1 ( parameter :path position lenght b3) so a step above the trunk always set a step above the one which I don't fully get.. if want to have b3 length affected by the legth of b1 I go to b2 ... As for the first question in the subject as you helped I managed to have branches on both side in one plane ..but after I add leaves mesh on both side if I add angle across the leave one side is up the other looking down ..I have attached a printsreen..how I can I have them both look same direction? Thanks
  13. What if I want to control a higher level parameter b3 ( lenght or other) but not along the lower level path( b2) but based on ( trunk level) via curve..is that possible ?
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